Thursday, September 18, 2008

A Tribute to a Friend

It's another one of those rainy nights. As usual, I'm sitting here in Starbucks, whiling my time surfing the Internet as I wait for my cousin's arrival. I will be picking him up at the airport in about 3 hours.

But my blog tonight isn't about the rain, or the Basic Black Iced Tea I am having here in Starbucks. It is about a friend I have who will be celebrating her special day tomorrow.

No, idiot! She's not getting married yet! Tomorrow is her birthday! She'll be turning 30 something. (You're secret's safe with me, kiddo!)

I recall seeing her in school back in college. She used to sign our enrollment forms, being a trustworthy helper to the school administrators.

In 1999, I saw her again and got reacquainted as I applied for my first and only job as of yet. She works with me until now.

During our first few days as officemates, we got together quite well, with a little fights here and there. I remember our first major "fight," when I said something offensive about her (and being the naive me, I never thought it was offensive). We became friends again when I got her this cross-stitch kit of an anime character (or so I thought ... she claims that she had forgiven me even before I bought her the kit).

Through the years, we would go out and have a group outing with some of our best friends. Normally, we would schedule it around the date of my birthday. Hence, it became known as my birthday outing. During her birthdays, we would normally celebrate it in her house, until a few years back, when the parties stopped for some reason.

Through the 10 years I've worked with her, we had gone through a lot ... summer outings, trips to the North (Bataan, Baguio, etc) and to the South (Batangas, Puerto Galera, etc.), trips abroad (Australia, Singapore), badminton games every Monday night, R-rated movies with another one of my best friends, going to the mall window shopping, and so much more!

Here's to you, Marti! Thanks for all the fun times (and not-so-fun times) we've had! Happy birthday, kiddo!

A Tribute to a Friend

It's another one of those rainy nights. As usual, I'm sitting here in Starbucks, whiling my time surfing the Internet as I wait for my cousin's arrival. I will be picking him up at the airport in about 3 hours.

But my blog tonight isn't about the rain, or the Basic Black Iced Tea I am having here in Starbucks. It is about a friend I have who will be celebrating her special day tomorrow.

No, idiot! She's not getting married yet! Tomorrow is her birthday! She'll be turning 30 something. (You're secret's safe with me, kiddo!)

I recall seeing her in school back in college. She used to sign our enrollment forms, being a trustworthy helper to the school administrators.

In 1999, I saw her again and got reacquainted as I applied for my first and only job as of yet. She works with me until now.

During our first few days as officemates, we got together quite well, with a little fights here and there. I remember our first major "fight," when I said something offensive about her (and being the naive me, I never thought it was offensive). We became friends again when I got her this cross-stitch kit of an anime character (or so I thought ... she claims that she had forgiven me even before I bought her the kit).

Through the years, we would go out and have a group outing with some of our best friends. Normally, we would schedule it around the date of my birthday. Hence, it became known as my birthday outing. During her birthdays, we would normally celebrate it in her house, until a few years back, when the parties stopped for some reason.

Through the 10 years I've worked with her, we had gone through a lot ... summer outings, trips to the North (Bataan, Baguio, etc) and to the South (Batangas, Puerto Galera, etc.), trips abroad (Australia, Singapore), badminton games every Monday night, R-rated movies with another one of my best friends, going to the mall window shopping, and so much more!

Here's to you, Marti! Thanks for all the fun times (and not-so-fun times) we've had! Happy birthday, kiddo!

Monday, September 08, 2008

Furby's Big Now!

Mountain Mania

Last Saturday, September 6, three of my friends from the office and I went to Batangas for a fun climb. The range, as far as I know, is called Gulugod Baboy, or Pig's Spine. It was tiring, and the trek was grueling at some points. But overall, it was a trip that was really enjoyable. Fun climb, indeed!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Hosting with a celebrity

It's been a long time since my last post. It's not that I don't have much to say, 'coz there are a lot of stories to tell. It's just that I've been so caught up in work lately that as soon as I get home, I only have time for Furby.

Anyway, last Saturday's office event is worth recounting, considering that something first happened to me. Sure, you would probably hear me hosting a wedding reception, or probably a Christmas party. Some people say I am good at it, what, with my stage presence and my sometimes funny antics. Last Saturday was no exception. As with all our previous events, I also did the voice over for our opening number and the introduction of our host, local celebrity Yayo Aguila. I also did voice overs for plugs throughout the day. Yeah, I once again hosted the pre-event games, and I should say, this event's audience-respondents were hilariously classical!

What sets this hosting job apart from the other events I've handled is that last Saturday, I got the chance to co-host a portion of the program with a celebrity, our host Ms. Aguila. Somehow, the euphoria of interacting with someone popular made me jittery at first--but hey, need I show that to her or to the audience?

In any case, the portion went on smoothly. It was as if I was hosting with a long-time friend. Our host was very warm and friendly, making the entire stint comfortable for me. I got through that day thinking how opportune I am to act as if I was one of them (celebrities), mingling and hobnobbing with them (of course, actress Bianca Lapus was there as well). Is this the start of something big for me? Will this be my ticket to showbusiness? Ha ha! We'll just wait and see!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

My Blog Inspirations

I've been trying to recall where I got my inspiration for coming up with an online journal, a.k.a. blog. For quite some time, I had my friend, Orange, to thank for this. You see, her blog entries are just so hilarious! (You'll find out what I'm talking about when you visit her orangeexpress blog site.) She surely inspired me to come up with something similar, albeit mine is more on the emo-mushy side, sometimes pretending to be witty, sometimes bordering on corny. Nevertheless, I try to make it a point to write about something that crossed my mind, something that amazed me, something I've been longing for, or just some random thoughts I'd like to share with others.

Yesterday, however, I was watching some old TV commercials on YouTube and I thought about the TV shows during my growing-up years. I thought about Beverly Hills 90210, Saturday Fun Machine (with such shows as Pandamonium, Fraggle Rock, The Great Space Coaster and the likes), The Twilight Zone, Northern Exposure, Murphy Brown, and so much more. Finally, it hit me! My real inspiration for blogging is not Orange--although she got me started on it. It was Neil Patrick Harris, a.k.a. Doogie Howser, M.D.

In each episode, he would end the show by logging on to his computer, creating an electronic journal of lessons learned for the day or for the week. I vividly remember seeing words typed on a blue screen while his thoughts were being voiced over. The cursor was still that white block that came in after each letter. I recall wanting so much to have my own electronic journal that when my dad bought us a computer at home, I wanted to write about anything and everything under the sun. The problem is, the computer is for everyone in the family, and I had some thoughts that I would just like to keep to myself. Besides, blogs were unheard of at that time, and the only establishments with Internet access are schools. And technology back then was jurassic, so to speak. Anyway, I never bothered to come up with a printed journal as it is too girlie for me.

So here I am now, coming up with my own electronic journal a la Doogie Howser, M.D. Unfortunately, my writing is still restricted to things that are not too personal. I cannot write about the way I feel about somebody, some crazy stuff I'm doing, the way I feel about work ... it will just create chaos! The good thing is I can now creatively "hide" some of these things in the form of word play. But for the other things, I can only reveal them to a few close friends.

"Do dum do do dum. Do dum do do dum. (Okay, so I'm trying hard to replicate the theme song of Doogie Howser, M.D. Pretend you're hearing it the way I am.)

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Funny Cab Driver

On the way back from an interview, my friend, Sean, and I took a cab going back to the office. As soon as we entered the vehicle and told the driver where we wanted to go, the driver immediately turned his radio off and started to ask us if we have already heard about the fruit without peel nor seed, that is very juicy. Thinking that he was about to sell us a new herbal preparation or some other multi-level networking product, I braced myself for the worst. This can't be another one of those uber-low marketing ploys that some companies use, so I thought.

I gave the question much thought and, together with Sean, eventually gave up on the answer. His response? Juicy Fruit Gum (a brand of chewing gum from the makers of Double Mint). I laughed my heart out in relief. And as if that joke wasn't enough, he continued to bombard us with more jokes--and poker-faced at that! Whenever we got the answers right, he would reply with "May tama ka," (You got that right). Here are some of his old, yet timeless jokes:

  • What do you call people from China? Chinese. How about people from Japan? Japanese. How about people from Taiwan? Taiwanese. And people from Vietnam? Vietnamese.
    What the do you call people from Mayon (a town in Albay in the Bicol region)? To which Sean replied: Bicolano? Of course, that's what you call people from the Bicol region, right?
    The correct response? Mayonese (which the old driver pronounced as mayonnaise).
  • What do you call the trinket that ladies wear in their ear? We answered, hikaw, which in English means earring. His response? She-kaw. He-kaw, he explained, are for males. So if a woman wears a he-kaw, she is probably gay.
  • What do you call a happy chicken? Chicken Joy (a fried chicken brand of Jollibee)
  • What do you call a small chicken? Knorr Chicken Cubes (a broth cube)
  • What do you call a chicken's mother? To which I replied, "Inahin!" (Hen). He replied, "Dati 'yun, pinalitan na nila, kahapon lang!" (That was before. They changed it only yesterday!) The answer? Chicken Mami, a kind of Chinese chicken noodle soup.
  • What do you call a small goat? Kapirang-goat
  • What do you call a big mole? Mega "Mole" (of course, we know that MegaMall is one of the biggest malls in the country)
  • What do you call a bigger mole? MOA [SM Mall of Asia (MOA) is said to be the biggest mall in the Philippines]
  • What do you call a shining mole (in his terms, kumukutitap)? Star "Mole" (a mall opposite SM MegaMall)
  • What do you call this (pointing to his lower lip), to which I replied "Lip!" And the follow up question, "how about this?" (pointing to his upper lip), to which I replied "Lip?" His reply? Rayt. Lip en rayt.
  • What do you call this (pointing to his right cheek), to which Sean replied, "Cheek!" And the follow up question, "how about this?" (pointing to his left cheek). Sean replied "Cheven?" Wrong! The correct response is "It" (eight). Because it is cheek (right cheek), cheven (nose), it (left cheek).

The trip was a bit short. But I tell you, had you been in that ride with us, you would be laughing hard, not so much at the jokes but the way the cool old man delivered them. Thank you, Mr. Cab Driver, for making our day!

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Searching for the Past

Early this week, I spent quite some time wondering where my blog posts from my last entry in Blogspot to my second entry in Multiply were. I remember doing a number of them but couldn't quite recall where I posted them. I even went as far as formulating several scenarios, including:

- merely dreaming that I did indeed blog
- I was so caught up with my then girlfriend that I felt like blogging, but actually didn't
- I was too caught up writing articles for work that I thought I was blogging

Finally, I remembered where all the memories went. They're all in Friendster!

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Body building mania

Why are so many people into body building?

Just this morning, down for our usual morning break, my friends and I were talking about building muscles and making the body bigger. We talked about exercises for the triceps, how easy it is to develop the back muscles, and how difficult it is to lose the gut.

Not that I have anything against going to the gym, because I do go to the gym (whenever I feel like it) to aid in my weight loss. And there's no offense meant here for my friends, because I know they have good enough reasons for going to the gym. I am just amazed at how thin people, or even those with well-defined bodies, still go gaga over going to the gym. Isn't having a thin frame enough?

Another one of my dreams is to be stick thin. Who cares if my muscles are not toned or well-defined. The thing is, I want to be stick thin. Even in my lightest (I had the opportunity to weigh in at 165), I wasn't stick thin.

So why are so many people into body building? Health reasons? Nah, I don't think so. Well, possibly for some. Vanity? Probably, for many. After all, it's the evil one's favorite sin [The Devil's Advocate].

My Shelfari

Monday, August 04, 2008

My first PDA blog

I just need to try this out. I haven't tried blogging using my PDA phone before. It's kinda cool, knowing I could blog anytime anywhere I want.

Anyway, I just want to share an important milestone in Furby's life. Last Saturday, I kept him in his play pen so he wouldn't be roaming around my room pooping anywhere. All through Friday night, he didn't poop. Saturday came, and by mid morning, he was whining to be taken out of the play pen. I picked him up and brought him to our laundry area where I laid a sheet of newspaper. He peed there, and after peeing, he pooped. Sunday, the same thing. Monday, the same thing happened.

It's such a nice feeling knowing that you have gone somewhere in toilet training your baby. Next on the list, teaching him how to fetch my slippers without ruining them.

Friday, August 01, 2008

10 things I want to believe

In anticipation of the X-Files: I Want to Believe screening in Manila this August, I would like to share things that I want to believe. Here goes: I want to believe ...

  1. ... that there is life after death. It would be sad if our existence ended here without a happily ever after in some other dimension or plane.
  2. ... that there is a someone out there meant for each and everyone, myself included. It doesn't really matter if she's short, dark, has a large nose, snores louder than I do ... if she's meant for me, she's meant for me.
  3. ... in aliens. I strongly feel that we are not alone in this universe and that somewhere out there are intelligent beings that can zap the life form off us but are too civilized to do so. I just hope I could see one someday in the flesh. Take me with you!
  4. ... in miracles. Somehow, things happen to get me up and going again--unexpected and unexplained things. These small miracles help me survive every day.
  5. ... in karma. This follows Newton's Law (is it Newton?), that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. If you push on a wall, the wall pushes you back in the opposite direction. Same thing in life, if you step on somebody, somehow life has a way of getting back at you. As some friends say, karma is digital (it's quick).
  6. ... that I'll be famous someday. I've always wanted to be a somebody ever since I was young. I think that someday, either my writing, my acting, or something I will be doing will make me a part of history books.
  7. ... that I'll be rich. This goes hand in hand with being famous.
  8. ... that despite the constant changes in life, some things will still remain the same no matter what. These things will include friendships, relationships, and the like.
  9. ... that I will once again be slim. I know it will entail yet more determination on my end, but I know that it will all be worth it. I've been there before and the emotional gratification of being slim after a lifetime of being "cute" is just so immense.
  10. ... that despite things I may have done or will ever do, true friends and family will always be stand by me. Unfortunately, there aren't enough true friends in the world to do that, but I believe some of them still exist.

I think that if you believe in things enough, these things eventually become reality. It's like your mind has some effect on the way things work ... it sort of contributes something to the life force of this earth. This is what you may call faith. Oh, and did I also say that I believe I can be a vampire someday?

Body building mania

Why are so many people into body building?

Just this morning, down for our usual morning break, my friends and I were talking about building muscles and making the body bigger. We talked about exercises for the triceps, how easy it is to develop the back muscles, and how difficult it is to lose the gut.

Not that I have anything against going to the gym, because I do go to the gym (whenever I feel like it) to aid in my weight loss. And there's no offense meant here for my friends, because I know they have good enough reasons for going to the gym. I am just amazed at how thin people, or even those with well-defined bodies, still go gaga over going to the gym. Isn't having a thin frame enough?

Another one of my dreams is to be stick thin. Who cares if my muscles are not toned or well-defined. The thing is, I want to be stick thin. Even in my lightest (I had the opportunity to weigh in at 165), I wasn't stick thin.

So why are so many people into body building? Health reasons? Nah, I don't think so. Well, possibly for some. Vanity? Probably, for many. After all, it's the evil one's favorite sin [The Devil's Advocate].

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Of Mice, Dogs and Man

I really enjoy having Furby by my side at night. Not that I am into bestiality. I just enjoy having a baby sleep beside me. Last night, I brought home a puppy play pen, which I bought from my friend. Well, that would keep Furby from sleeping in the dark recesses of my room and urinating and pooping all over. Unfortunately, he would whine because he didn't like it there. But that's all part of my puppy training.

Puppy loves
And speaking of pets, I remember my first pet, Sprite. He was a Japanese spitz, whom I adored and went gaga over. But I was only 3 years old when I had him, so he was more like a brother than a baby to me. Unfortunately, when I was around 6 or 7, he went to heaven, leaving me in pieces. We just found him one morning on the roadside, his body pierced with an icepick on the side. We later learned that some drunk guys in our neighborhood didn't like my dog's attitude, so they shut him up--for good. It was a traumatic experience for me, but I never really gave up on the idea of owning pets.

A few year's after Sprite's demise, my dad brought me along to watch a movie with him in old Manila. You know those creepy cinemas where only a handful of people watch? We watched an action flick. After the movie, we passed by an establishment popular for the dogs they sell on the sidewalk. And so, after much bugging, he obliged to buy me not one, but two puppies, whom I named Coca (is it obvious that I have this strange inclination to name my dogs after soda brands?) and Sprite (as a tribute to my fallen pet). After about 2 weeks, Sprite fell ill and soon died. Coca lived on for about 13 or 14 human years to give us more puppies (most of whom were given to friends). And then we had another dog, whose name excapes me (because he's my brother's dog to begin with), who mothered more puppies (Coca was still with us at that time). One of  those puppies became my puppy as well, and I named him Murphy. Murphy was a medium-size dog; his father was a German Shepherd that a neighbor owned. When he was about 4 or 5 human years old, he became ill and died, even when the vet regularly came to us for housecalls.

And then we had another Japanese spitz puppy given by an uncle. During his first night at home, I was so excited about our new pet that I tossed him in the air like a baby, catching him with both arms. In my last toss, I accidentally failed to catch him, causing him to land on the pillow where he was sleeping--head first. I thought I killed him because he wasn't breathing anymore. What did I do? I gave him chest compressions and blew air into his mouth. Good thing he regained consciousness. A few months after, though, he died. He was accidentally ran over by our driver right in our own garage!

We had a lot more dogs, all of whom are gone or were given to friends (some were sold). Now, we are left with Stallone (a yellow labrador retriever, son of our chocolate brown labrador retriever Cocoa, who is now under my uncle's care), Whitie (who's not really that white, is in his twilight years--hey, we had him since I was 16, making him about 15 human years old), and of course my Furby.

The birds and the bees
Aside from dogs, I also have had pets of different kinds.

I remember in elementary school, I used to go to a creek in our school and collect these snails. I would take them home in a plastic cup and put them in a fishbowl as soon as I got home. I eventually had to let them go because my folks didn't like the smell, and they said it wasn't natural for the snails to be pets.

There was also this one Christmas where I asked Santa for a pair of bunnies, which Santa gleefully gave me. Of course, I eventually found out that Santa is my mom, who loves animals as well (you've got to hand it to her to allow us to have pets at home despite my dad's disapproval). I could still remember how wide-eyed I was that one December morning, very happy about my new playmates. Unfortunately, they died a year later. I kept them in a big box, and one time, I accidentally (read: purposely) threw in a piece of lit firecracker inside. A few days later, the bunnies died. Cause of death? I believed it was a heart attack.

And then I got these really cool love birds for my 7th birthday. I remember, my mom bought me four of them: one blue, two yellow and one green. Sadly, they disappeared little by little over a span of a year. We found out that a stray cat would sneak up at night and open their cage, snagging them from their silent perch and eating them alive.

In high school, we got this huge aquarium from our uncle who used to have an aruwana. Excited as I was to have another kind of pet, I bought fishes--different species from tetras and angel fishes, to gold fishes and fighter fishes. My mom adored these fishes, but somehow they died one by one because of overcrowding.

One day, on my way home from school, I chanced upon this duckling vendor on the sidewalk. Naturally, I bought one to take home as a pet. At home, thinking that ducks are aquatic birds, I placed the duck on the aquarium and left it there. Imagine my horror when two days after, the duck died. It was probably due to overexhaustion--from all the paddling. I also managed to buy a chick at about the same year. It died the night I brought it home because a cat ate it.

And do you remember those high school experiments you had involving white mice? Well, I got so engrossed in them that I bought about four extra mice for me to take care of. The pet vendor put them in a brown paper bag with holes. Unfortunately, one of them managed to escape in the car. After hours of frantically searching for it, I eventually gave up. And so I was left with three. While transferring them to their cage, one of them escaped again and went inside a mouse hole in the house. The next day, as we rode the car and turned the air conditioner on ... fffrrrrrrr ... shreds of white fur came out of the air conditioner. One mouse down. After a few months, I saw a cute little mouse coming out of the mouse hole. It was a black mouse with blotches of white all over. Probably my little mouse escapee found true love in the whole. As for the other two that I still had? Well, they lived long enough in terms of mouse years to live in the beautiful cage I had for them.

Then in college, my classmate gave me a kitten. It was beautiful. It was pure white, with one eye blue and the other eye green. My dad was really furious that time because cat poop really stinks. Anyway, the anger was short-lived because about a week after, the kitten managed to escape from the house and died enroute to freedom as one of our dogs bit him in the neck.

I also bought a pair of hamsters in college, which I kept in a small aquarium (without the water, of course). Eventually, their love bloomed and gave us four baby hamsterets. Sadly, they disappeared one by one. I later realized that the mommy hamster ate her kids. Eventually, the mommy hamster attacked the daddy hamster, who later died. The mommy hamster was alone until her death a few months after. Talk about marital spats.

And then we had this experiment in college where we needed to find out something about the effect of a particular drug (I can't really recall if it's iodine) on the urine of a guinea pig. We had to shave off a small part of her fur and we had to measure the drug content in the urine. After the experiment, I took home the guinea pig and took care of it. I didn't have much trouble with it except that it made these funny sounds at night. Eventually, it, too, died.

I also bought a fortune lobster, which I displayed in our living room. It was there for a few months, molting about twice before it died. A kid we had over gave him too much to eat. It was too late when I found out about it and by then, the lobster was already dying.

Loving them
I love animals, and I like having them around me. One of my greatest dreams is to have a small petting zoo where everyone can interact with these marvelous creatures. If not, I can have a small farm where all these animals can freely roam around. But until such time that I can amass a fortune to buy all these critters, I have my Furby to tend to. For now, I'm contented with having Furby around, anticipating my walks in the park with him, reading a book under a tree while he lazes beside me. Or playing frisbee with him on the beach. Lucky Furby.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Chicken Mango Wrap at Starbucks

Last night, before claiming my latest Blessing in the Skies, I passed by Starbucks to grab a quick bite. It had been a long day, with a meeting at the office and doing all the proofreading all day--I was just so drained I had to eat something.

And so there I was at the counter of Starbucks, contemplating whether to get my favorite Sausage Roll or try another fare. Something inside me told me to get something else. And there, right at the bottom of the display shelf, the Chicken Mango Wrap. I requested for a cold one; I don't want my food warm or hot.

Back at my seat, I stared at the new purchase, thinking whether I'll regret my decision or not. It looks appetizing, but some foods just seem to tickle my mind, but not my taste buds. Anyway, after several minutes of contemplating (well, it seemed to me like minutes, although accurately, it was just about 30 seconds or so), I finally took it out of the packaging, ripped the plastic apart, and unwrapped the wax paper that was wrapped around the wrap. And then the first bite.

To tell you honestly, I loved the flavor. It's like chicken curry with a tinge of sweet-soury mango. The flavor lingers in your mouth for a while and keeps you satisfied for a long time. Nice. The wrap is not too hard nor too brittle that it breaks easily. And if you think that it will be a messy meal with all the curry, it's not. I absolutely loved it!

Oh, and if you ask me, it's better taken cold.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Blessing in the Skies

I guess I am in a bit of luck today.

Remember that P1,000 budget I have? Well, somehow, yesterday, I didn't spend a single centavo. I have a very generous friend who shouldered my parking fees and my badminton expenses. Add to that my Starbucks fit for the day. I did, however, use my debit card (now, when I said I didn't spend a single centavo, it technically doesn't include my debit card) to pay for my gas. Plus, another friend gave P100 contribution for my gas, which, of course, I put in my bill fold for future use (which is today).

Fast forward to today. I've spent my P100 on Lipton Red Tea (which, I swear, makes my day complete the way Starbucks does) and other stuff (*wink, wink*). But alas, another person will be giving me money unsuspectedly. It couldn't have come at a better time than today. Of course, it will be in the form of a check, hopefully enough to sustain me until the next payday. But until I could encash it, I guess I would have to use the P1,000 I have in the bank.

Really, Someone up there is looking after me. These people, my friends, are really, as Ate Vi would say, "Blessings in the skies!"

Friday, July 25, 2008

On a tight budget

Guess what! I only have P1,000 left in my account! Cool, isn't it? Problem is, how will I survive for the next three weeks on this very tight budget? Consider the following:

  • Gas costs
  • Parking costs
  • I need to play badminton weekly to attain my fitness goal, which costs about P150
  • I have to eat lunch, which costs an estimated P150 a day

Plus the following payables:

  • My monthly payment for the laptop
  • My phone bill (roaming is definitely to blame here)
  • My gym membership
  • Furby's initial payment

Not to mention all the other stuff I buy (it's a lifestyle thing).

All would have been good, had I not paid that much for my phone calls. But it's all behind me now. The goal is either to budget the P1,000 in three weeks or to get an extra source of funds. How to do the first? Well, that would mean no Starbucks, taking the public transport, no going out on weekends, refraining from badminton on Mondays, and probably bring lunch to the office for the next three weeks. And definitely, no dating! Unfortunately, this won't happen (trust me, I know).

So how do I go about the second option? Well, I could offer my s*x*al services for a fee (not that I have been doing this; any takers on this?), sell some old stuff at home (my stuff, of course), sing at a lounge, or get a loan. Or ... I could ask my folks for some cash! Nah, they won't give in.

Well, let's just wait and see what will happen in the next three weeks. By hook or by crook, I can and I will survive on a very tight budget. You'll never know what will happen. After all, "There's always a silver lining at the end of the tunnel [sic]."

Welcome, hard times!

What is it with the world? Are we reaching a point where Earth needs to purge itself yet once again of an overly populated creature? Earthquakes, tsunamis, storms -- name it, and surely there will be at least a hundred people dead. Add to that the difficulties of the times -- ballooning gas prices, soaring prices of basic commodities, etc. These are bound to get someone dead one way or another.

Truly, this is an age of survival of the fittest. But by fittest, it does not necessarily mean being physically fit. You can be fit in mind. The key to make it through these hard times is self sufficiency. It's like going back to basics, back to the early 1900s when life in the Philippines was so simple, yet everyone enjoyed it to the fullest. So what if they didn't have ipods or laptops or mobile phones? People loved each other's company more back then, kids had fun with street games, old folks danced to the music of a combo.

So in this day and age where technology dominates, how can we be self sufficient? Well, for one, we could ride a bike to work and back home. No need to depend on gas for fuel. It's all leg power. The downside is that it is way too tiring, and riding a bike through EDSA is definitely a death warrant for most people. On the upside, it tones your body, gives you a good cardiovascular workout, saves the planet from vehicular environmental pollutants, and of course, doesn't cost you as much as getting gas nightly or weekly. You simply need to invest on a good bike and probably some maintenance work every now and then.

Another thing you can do is to routinely plant vegetables in your backyard. This is self-sufficiency to the extreme. Weekly, plant something, like tomatoes, cabbage, pechay, or what have you, and come harvest time, you have plenty to eat. And since you plant on a weekly basis, you harvest on a weekly basis as well. You could leave out the rice and go vegan. Or get a chicken to lay you eggs so you can be an ovo-vegetarian. Buy a small rubber or plastic swimming pool where you can take care of tilapia fingerlings if you are a fish aficionado. The goal here is to avoid buying stuff from the market.

Saving up on electricity bills? Push your kids to savor the joy of being outdoors and playing taguan pung, patintero, agawan base, Chinese garter, tumbang preso and what have you. It will help them develop their social skills and give them the exercise they really need. It won't cost anything to play these games, unlike if your kids are cramped up in the house playing PS3, X-Box, Wii, or other similar game consoles (of course, playing them would entail electricity costs) with the aircon running 24/7, or watching DVDs of Tom and Jerry, Barney, or other kiddie shows. Invest on good old books instead of making them surf the Net all the time.

I still need to think about other self-sufficient methods of coping with these times in my future entries. It won't be easy at first, but doing them will definitely be fun and beneficial for you. Maybe, after some time, you'll get the hang of it.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Fantastic Furby

Here is my new baby, Furby. His name comes from the fact that he is a furball.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

My New Baby

I have a new baby. His name is Furby, short for Furball. He is an amber-colored toy poodle. Unfortunately, I can't take him out just yet. They say he's still too young to be exposed to the elements of the environment. At the moment, he is sleeping beside my bed close to the bed I bought him yesterday. Today, I bought a poop pan to help me clean up after him. I also bought paper towels and antibacterial spray for the area he pooped in. Did I mention he was sleeping in my room, so he poops everywhere in my room. It's nice to have a pet sleep beside you. For so long, I wanted to have a pet sleep beside me, but for some reason, the pets we have are soooo big, until Furby here. I will be posting pics of Furby in the future. Wish me luck on my new baby!

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Hope to be a vampire

I confess, I am a paranormal addict. I do believe in the existence of engkantos, duwendes, UFOs and aliens, the afterlife, creatures of the dark, angels. But aside from witches and warlocks, I have been so fascinated most especially by vampires.

I don't know what it is about vampires. Ever since I was young, I dreamed of becoming one, fascinated by their immortality, their grace, their superhuman abilities, their inexplicable charm ... I have always wanted to watch vampire movies and TV shows. Even the comedy vampire movies (Leslie Nielsen's take on Dracula was so hilarious)!

Over the years, I've come to believe that my fascination for vampires waned and probably disappeared altogether -- until Twilight. It was one of the books that really captivated me, just like Harry Potter and Angels and Demons did. But reading Twilight was a record for me. Considering all things I did over the weekend, I still managed to finish the book by Monday morning (I bought it Friday night).

Yes, it is a love story, which typically bores me to death. But the nice thing about this is that it shows how a soul-less being can actually have a soul, know how to love, have real human emotions. It debunks myths associated with vampires and displays how one such creature can be as human and as humane as possible--the vampire that I have always wanted to become.

I am currently reading the second book in the series, New Moon. I hope to finish it by Friday, considering that it is a work week, and finally read Eclipse. I can't wait for the fourth book to be released. I can't wait to see the movie to see how it deviates from the book--or not.

Next project? A trip to the dentist to get permanent vampire fangs.

Friday, July 04, 2008

Good morning, Blog!

For the past few days, I wasn't able to blog because of my fascination with my new phone. I take it with me everywhere I go, and it is the last thing I hold at night (don't think otherwise, you pervs). It's so cool being able to sign in to Yahoo! Messenger and MSN Messenger anywhere I want to. And to be able to chat with ease using a mobile phone? Way too cool! Unfortunately, I cannot copy the messages from my old phone to my new one. And to think I have over 2,000 saved messages in my old phone. Until now, I am still trying to discover how to transfer all my messages to my ultra cool phone.

Last night, while downing my iced tea at Starbucks, there was this group of yuppies going gaga over this Web site. I overheard what site they were talking about: I checked it out using my mobile phone. Apparently, it is an online tarot site. Fascinating were the reactions of the people there. Some said that when he asked where his sister was, "Peter" answered not just United States, but the exact state where she is. And then comes their friend, the sceptic. This friend had lots of theories, from it being a trick played on the gang by the one who introduced it, to being too occult that the souls of those who asked "Peter" being sold for eternity. How mundane can people get? You could actually try logging on to the site and check for its accuracy.

Also last night, after spending two hours in the gym trying to lose weight, I went home to a banquet. It was my grandmother's birthday yesterday and, boy, did they have a feast! Imagine, they left me with tuna belly, stir-fry noodles (yes, hijo, it is pancit canton), crispy pork knuckles (yes, fool, it's crispy pata), large shrimps, and pork in peanut butter sauce (otherwise known as kare-kare). I just wonder if at the time I was having all of these, my body was still in workout mode, burning everything I was eating. Believe it or not, until now, I can still taste the peanut butter sauce!

On a different note, I can't wait til Sunday! My friend from the US will be arriving after a short hiatus. Everyone in the gang misses the fool, verbalizing their missing feeling to me every day. Fool, I don't know what you fed us but the gang misses you badly. See you Sunday!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Agog About A New Phone

Wow! Talk about blessings! For the longest time, I've been neglecting calls from Globe Telecoms, even declining an offer for rebates. The thing is, I never really feel the effects of those rebates on my phone bill. And then yesterday, out of nowhere, they called me again and informed me that they are offering me a new phone! It is not my traditional Nokia, but then again, it has almost all the features I want in a phone -- wi fi (WLAN), music player, touch screen, Windows-based OS and programs. Although it doesn't have FM radio (which I normally use in the car), I find the features cool -- the very reason why I wanted so much to have an iPod touch (Internet connectivity anywhere there's wifi signal)! Globe Telecoms said they will be sending the unit over tomorrow, Friday, and I just can't wait to get my hands on the semi-PDA phone! I hope they send it in the morning, so I can charge it til afternoon and use it in the evening! Don't I just sound too excited? Hahahaha! Oh, by the way, it's a Samsung i780 phone.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Sex and THE City

I owe you a lot of stories. Of my trip to San Francisco, people I know from here in the Philippines who shouted at me from the car at Fisherman's Wharf (I never knew I was that popular, hahaha), crabbing in Maryland, wine tasting in Sonoma Valley, being a "tour guide" in Manhattan, and so much more. But I guess the story worth blogging is about Sex and the City.

The movie was shown while we were in Maryland. I told my cousins that we had to watch it in the US no matter what. I read from a friend's blog that the movie was shown with lots of cuts here in the Philippines. Sanitation to the max! We were supposed to watch it in Maryland, but I dared not remind them about it when shopping was their preoccupation at that time. I thought, "Hey, where best to watch Sex and the City but in THE city.

On our way to look for Serendipity cafe, the food place made famous by the movie Serendipity, we saw a movie theater along 3rd Avenue corner 60th Street. Lo and behold, SATC was being shown. Before proceeding to Serendipity, we purchased our tickets so as to ensure our plan to watch the movie in THE city worked out.

And so we watched, pumping scenes, breast exposures and all! It was a treat for all of us, knowing we wouldn't be able to enjoy it as much if we watched it in Manila. Somehow, being in Manhattan watching a Manhattan-set movie gave a feeling of nostalgia. And the nice thing about watching it there? Looking for the places where they shot some scenes, such as Central Park, 5th Avenue, etc.

Another good thing that the movie brought me? Inspiration, courtesy of Samantha Jones and her ideology on marriage! (Joke!)

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Flower Power

Taken at the Flower Conservatory in San Francisco and at the Phipp's Mansion in Long Island, New York using my Nokia N73 phone.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Why do fools fall in love?

Fools. They're not the best people in the world to be with. But what will happen when two fools unite in marriage?

I mean, hey, they may be intelligent, but when it comes to love, they are still fools. Imagine giving everything to their better half without leaving anything for themselves. What if, just what if, something goes wrong and one of the fools suddenly gets an epiphany? The fool remaining becomes bruised, wounded, torn beyond repair.

The remaining fool, still being a fool, despite the damage incurred, continues to wait, hope, love, wish ... sometimes to the point of desperation. And what does this bring? More tears, heartaches and pain.

So why do fools fall in love? Beats me! But whatever it is, being a fool may feel like heaven, because many opt to be fools, especially in the game called love--the pain, the heartaches and the hardships simply make being in love sweeter and stronger. Here's to you, fool!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Places I've Been To

Here are a few scenic places I've been to, some looking good only in photograph, while others are the real deal. One day, I'll be back there!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Ten Places I'd Like To Return To

I've been around, probably a little more than others, probably a little less than others. But definitely, I've travelled and seen a lot of things. And in all the places I've been to, there are a few that I'd like to revisit, if not live in. Here, in no particular order, are the 10 places that I'd like to see again sometime in the future:

New York - Not only is it a fun place to be in, most of my relatives are there as well. I enjoyed Manhattan a lot, especially with my best friend, Marie. I never imagined I could go around NYC leading a friend through its streets, considering my non-familiarity with the place.

West Virginia - Well, what can I say? I just love the trees, the serenity of the place, the tradition and the history.

Las Vegas - The sin city, this place is pretty much alive at night. And the casinos ... they're just great! I would really like to play the slot machine again until the wee hours of the morning.

Singapore - This place is very hot and humid. The only reason why I would love to return to Singapore is because of my best friend. Plus, the food is also great!

Sydney, Australia - I miss the harbour city a lot because of my cousin. And the weather there is just perfect for me. I also miss the Gentlemen's Club that my cousin brought me to, and Blue Mountains and the bushwalks, that made me one with nature once again.

Panglao Island, Bohol - Aside from the drinking sprees with my officemate, Panglao Island is where I got to know more about my best friend (we were roommates). I also miss the serenity of the area and the pristine white sands. Unfortunately, I didn't get to swim in the beach nor ride the glass boat.

Tagaytay City - Although I've been in and out of Tagaytay quite often, I still want to return to that place many times. Why so? Crisp, cool mountain breeze, lots of food choices, very near the city, bulalo, crispy pata, Leslie's, Sonya's Garden --- go figure!

Davao City - The only time I've been to Davao was during my grand uncle's funeral. I never really got to tour the city that time, nor have I seen Davao's beaches. I would love to go back to Davao and see the beaches and probably climb Mount Apo. Plus, I heard the girls are really hot there! A one night stand won't hurt a bit!

Mount Pulag - The trek was tiring, but it was definitely worth it. Seeing the sunrise from the Philippines' second highest summit was simply breathtaking. I also love the idea of camping out once again, eating camp food, and singing with friends during the trek.

Boracay - Well, who wouldn't want to go back there? The night life, the beach, the snorkeling are just sooooo great! Boy, do I miss the water! Hope I could take a dip in the sea again before the year ends.

There are other places I'd like to return to, but these are the top places I'd really like to revisit. Next on my agenda, blogging for the top 10 places I'd like to see before I die.

Missing Out

This coming week, I'll be leaving with my aunt and cousins for another country ... for a vacation. They have become sort of like immediate family to me already, being with them in several trips abroad, going to their place frequently to play with them when we were younger, going out with them to have coffee ... stuff like that. As always, I am excited to be with them again.

However, I will be missing out on a number of things when I leave. First of all, I will be missing out on the showing of several movies that I have greatly anticipated. There's Indiana Jones and the Temple of the Crystal Skull, which I really like to see on opening day. I was also looking forward to watching The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian: After feeling so good about the first movie, I just can't wait to see the second installment. Both movies will be opening on Wednesday, and we will be leaving at 12:30 in the morning of the next day. Hence we need to be in the airport Wednesday night. Another movie opening next week that I am really looking forward to is Sex and the City. Being abroad, I'm really not sure if I can catch the movie there.

Second, I will be missing the American Idol finale on Thursday. It's been a season filled with really talented people, and finally, it is down to the two Davids. Definitely, there will be some great performances from guests. I hope someone finds time to record the show so I can see it later on.

Third, we will be having a mommy event on the 31st of May, our Mother's Day tribute to Filipino moms. For the past years, I've been hosting the pre-event games, doing the voice over for the celebrity guests, sometimes drawing for the raffle, sometimes, taking photographs of the event. I'll be missing it this year, and I hope the one who takes over does a great job. But you see, what makes this event more special this time around is that our general manager, who hails from Singapore, will be witnessing the event for the first time. It could have been my chance to show the big boss that I could do more than just editing, and that I could actually connect with the people I talk to. Or could I? Hahahaha...

Fourth, it will be my father's 58th birtday, and I won't be here to celebrate it with him. Another first that I will be missing this year is that they may celebrate it in our newly renovated "farm lot." Well, it's not really a farm, but it is definitely a lot--a small lot. And there are lots of around, hence the farm name.

But despite the fact that I'll be missing out on quite a number of things in my absence, I am hoping that I'll have fun going with my aunt and my cousins, meeting up with other relatives abroad, probably getting myself a camera (did you read that Jambs? There's always that possibility). Memorial day sale, here I come!

Friday, May 16, 2008

The Cerebro: Blog Spot
My previous blogs are in this site...

The Cerebro

Mommy Power 8

Start:     May 31, '08 10:00a
Location:     Megatrade Hall, SM Megamall
Come to the most exciting mommy event of the year. There will be free bone scanning, pediatrician consultations, raffles, surprises, and parenting and health talks!

Grandma Beloved

There's just something about my grandmother (shown here at the center) that brightens up my day. This morning, she offered to wrap three pieces of siopao for me to bring to the office. As I was in a hurry because of the number coding thing (I left the house at 6:55 and number coding starts at 7), I politely declined her offer. I wasn't even able to have my breakfast.

But my "funny word" encounter with her happened at 1 this morning. I arrived home at 12:30 from my usual Starbucks habit and went straight to the restroom. What I did there, well, I leave it up to your imagination. While singing (more like humming) The Elephant Song Medley from Moulin Rouge, I heard someone walking by the door. I immediately finished my thing and alas, when I opened the door, there she was, waiting for me to finish. And then she said, "Kumain ka na? May palabo 'dun!"

I was thinking whether she was referring to the piece of meat I just ate at the dinner table (which I though was chicken, but then hearing her, I thought it was pabo) or to, as far as I know, an inexistent noodle delicacy, the palabok. Inexistent because I didn't see one in the dinner table. There were three pastils (suman-like thingees that my grandmother makes), a box of doughnuts, a siopao, and those pieces of meat I just ate.

And when I asked her what a palabo is, she said with calming grace, "'yung pansit." Ahihi! Al of a sudden, the buy take, one take thing came back like a bolt of lightning and brought a smile to my tired face. Is this a result of her staying too close to Ms. Flor, whom I popularized in my Friendster blogs for her verbal antics? I hope it's not infectious!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Alone Again, Naturally

Rather than watching the World Pyro Olympics yesterday, my friends and I went to the mall to watch a movie instead. We were in Starbucks when we talked about what to watch. I suggested What Happens in Vegas, which I still haven't seen that time. When we reached the cinemas, one of my friends said that she hated Cameron Diaz and Ashton Kutcher. Apparently, she didn't know that they are the stars of the movie. So they ended up watching Iron Man, which I already saw, instead. And me, well, I watched the movie I wanted to watch alone.

To make matters worse, upon entering the cinema, I noticed that there barely was anybody around. There were three of us in the loge area, a couple and me. All the rest were in the balcony. Darn it, I should have been with somebody last night! The drasted couple were kissing as if there was no tomorrow! And who knows what else they could have done? They even went to the restroom together! I should have followed them! Hahahahaha.

One of these days, I'll be able to do something kinky inside a cinema. Hahaha. Hopefully, that will come sooner rather than later. *wink, wink*

Mother's Day Gift

We were supposed to watch the Pyro Olympics at the Mall of Asia yesterday, but due to bad weather, we cancelled. Me and my friends agreed to go to another mall instead, and I had set my mind on finding something extraordinary for my mom today, Mother's Day.

So off to Robinson's Pioneer we went. After scouring through the mini-mall (it is really not much of a mall if you ask me), I came out empty handed. Until I went inside the department store. I pondered whether to get a perfume set, a skin-care set, or a spa set. Eventually, I saw a table where some bling-blings were on sale. Suddenly, a flash back.

Some years ago, I guess I was in grade school then, my dad brought me along with him to work. We made a side trip to one of the talyers (car-repair shop) in Manila to have the car's air-conditioner fixed. Bored to death, I strolled around for a while and chanced upon a small store. It sold earrings, necklaces and other women stuff. Remembering that it was my mom's birthday the next day, I decided to get her a pair of earrings, the very first gift to her that I bought with my own money, my savings.

And then her birthday came. With a sweet kiss, I gave her my precious gift. Upon opening it, I saw a smile on her face. And then she exclaimed, "Wow! They're so nice! But I don't wear fancy. I am allergic to fancy!"

Imagine my trauma of buying her anything to wear. I never bought her anything fancy or wearable after that. I simply bought her religious figurines, books, small clocks, but none that she could wear. Until yesterday.

Yesterday, I bought her a pair of earrings, with pearl (I really have no idea if they are real or not) and some diamond studs (no idea if they are real as well). I don't really consider them fancy, but I don't know if they're the real stuff, and if she's allergic to it or not. Well, this lunch, we gave it to her. Probably not recalling the incident ages ago, she said, "Wow, earrings! I hope they're not fancy. I'm allergic to fancy."

Happy mother's day, Ma!

Friday, May 09, 2008

Makati Day Madness

Idol Forecast Recap

My sidekick power has done it again. Another Idol wannabe got booted out once more. Last week, it was Brooke White. This week, Jason Castro. So far, those were the two I mentioned who I predicted would get booted out of the competition next. Syesha, as I predicted, remains in the top 3. If my instincts don't fail me, Syesha will be next. And it will indeed be a toss up between the two Davids, a first in the history of AI, having two people with the same name battle it up for the title.

Speaking of instincts, another one of my baby predictions was right once more. I found out yesterday that my officemate, whom I said would have a baby girl, told me that she will in fact have a baby girl. I wonder where I can attend a class for sidekicks. I must hone this gift and use it for the lottery! Can anyone point me to the nearest Sky High office?

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Getting a typhoid vaccination

This afternoon, I got a free vaccination for typhoid fever. I really don't know if I've ever been vaccinated against the disease, but I had one nevertheless. There would be no harm in that, would there? During this afternoon's press conference, the speaker, Dr. Eric Tayag, gave us a glimpse of the grim truth about how typhoid spreads in the country--which is mainly through our water supply and food. Don't go blaming the water suppliers outright, he said. True enough, most of the contaminations happen in the pipes, or even in the containers. Even bottled waters may contain the contaminant, Salmonella typhi. Dr. Tayag even said that people who have typhoid literally ingested human waste. He cleverly referred to this as pulp bits. Cool when you're fond of drinking OJ with pulp bits, right? Hahahaha!

Dr. Tayag recounted a story when a mom, a samalamig (street drink) vendor, actually used an ice block to scrape off and clean her child's behind--the same ice block she used in her "business." So you could just imagine how safe the ice in your drink is.

Another thing that I got from this press conference is that even if you use hand sanitizers, you still run the risk of getting typhoid fever. Why? Because you still haven't washed off the "dirt" or that microscopic piece of pulp bit from your hands. It's still there, together with the causative bacteria, which can't be killed by a small percentage of alcohol. He stressed that the best thing to do is to still wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water--the very basic thing that Ma and Pa used to teach me, but of course, never really took to heart.

I don't want to get typhoid fever now or in the future, lest I run the risk of developing more mental disturbances, said to be one of the effects of typhoid fever on the body. Take it from one of my friends who already had it when she was young! Peace! You know who you are! Hehehehe.

Lesson for the day: Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before you eat or before you touch anything on your face.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

The best shawarma, superb friends

Have you ever tasted anything so delecious, you just want to recommend it to everyone you see? There is this shawarma place along Julia Vargas Avenue in Pasig, and boy, their shawarma is just fabuloso! And the ox brain, superb! And did I mention that their kebab is just as yum yum as all the other offerings! Tonight wasn't my first time in Uncle Moe's, the shawarma place I'm talking about. I've been there with my cousins and my brothers before. So far, their great food hasn't failed me yet. And tonight was extra enjoyable as I was not only savoring superb food, but superb company as well. We were a medical team of sorts, having a couple of beers and great food. Four doctors, a nurse and me, a pharmacist, talking about anything and everything under the sun, from showbiz talkshow hosts, to showbiz personalities and network transfers, to Rafael Nadal's wins and Serena Williams' built, legs and lips, from dry ice to ice cream sandwiches, from reality TV to Tyra Banks. And we didn't even notice that we finished all our food, just like that. It was a night of fun and food! And did I mention that it was all free (well, for me and at least four other people). Thanks Tita O! I hope Rafa wins all his tourney matches this season so it would be Uncle Moe's all over again.

A letter to Ms. Anonymous

Dear Ms. Anonymous,

How would you feel if I told you I was getting married next year? How would you feel if I told you that I was getting married to you? I know that you would somehow be surprised, but I bet not that much. I never really thought that I would end up asking for your hand in marriage, but here I am, on bended knees, asking you to be my wife.

One of these days, you'll be surprised by something you never really expected. It won't be a surprise if you did expect it, right? I have long been a bachelor, and as much as I hate to give up my amazing bachelorhood, I feel that now is the time to step up and move a level higher and savor the sweetness of being married and raising a family.

I cannot and will not promise you the world, or that I would be the perfect husband or the perfect father. But this I can say: I will do my best to live up to your expectations, and probably a little more. I will not promise that I will not give in to temptations from time to time, but you can be assured of my loyalty.

Next year, we'll get married. Today, I am asking you to marry me. I just hope you are out there, and that I get to meet you before our wedding day. I hope that by then, I would have figured out who and where you are, and how I can deliver this proposal to you. Until then, I guess I'll just have to pray, and pray hard ... that we'll find luck in our life as one, that we will discover prosperity together, that we will triumph amidst the hardships of today's world as a family. And I have to pray that we'll see each other soon. Until then ...


Monday, May 05, 2008

A most eventful week

The end of April marked a very eventful period in my life. No promotion, no salary increase, I did not get married--nothing of that sort. In fact, it started out just like any other week, with workload reaching max levels. By Tuesday, however, things changed for the better. I learned that my best friend in Singapore is finally going to be a daddy! After six years, they are going to be a complete family in about nine months.

The next day, I got to attend a press conference with Powerbooks gift card as giveaway! I already have P1,500-worth of gift cards and gift check to spend! I could buy more sudoku and crossword books for my alone time (which is often). I could also buy a decent pocket book. I wonder what to buy next (I am open for suggestions).

That night, we got to interview and shoot two famed TV personalities, my "look-alike" Piolo Pascual, and the dashing Dyesebel/Marimar, Marian Rivera. It was tiring, but it was all worth it. Man, Marian looked so ravishing in her white dress! If she were a viand, yum yum! My sister envied me because I got to see Marian in the flesh!

Incidentally, that same day, my best friend from Pampanga had a daughter! It wasn't until the next day though that I was able to visit them. And then the day after that. I just can't stop raving over this very cute and beautiful kid! And I think, more than the celebrities, this is the highlight of my week.

And then Saturday. I have always heard about the famed La Luz Resort in San Juan, Batangas. It wasn't until last Saturday that I actually saw what everyone was raving about. The view was breathtaking. It would have been perfect if my drinking buddies were there. Unfortunately, I got to sleep through our stay there because I was so exhausted from the week that was and I didn't really know anyone there. I did get to swim, though, and get stung by some pesky jellyfish! But overall, the resort was ok, and my getaway, relaxing. Last year, I wasn't able to really feel seawater because, believe it or not, I never got the chance to go to a beach. Yes, I was in one, but had to cut short my trip because of a wedding. Ergo, no swimming for me. I intend to hit the beach more this year, and this is the second of my beachscapades!

Celebrity Cameos

La Luz Lakwatsa

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Sidekick powers

I must be a sidekick. Somehow, my intuition, my sixth sense, my ESP has served me well. So far, out of two pregnancies, I've accurately predicted the gender of the babies: one is with a good friend of mine, Julie, and the other with my best friend's wife, Jeng. I've made a couple more, although we still don't know what the gender of those babies are. And remember my Subic trip (see my very first post here)? It happened again this morning, with me not knowing where in Pampanga San Luis is, moreso the hospital where Jeng gave birth. It just seems that I am always led to the right direction by an unseen force that's always with me (perhaps I am a Jedi master). It's just a pity why I couldn't use these sidekick powers during examination, or when I play the lotto. If I could, I would definitely be a very rich and well-educated sidekick! Maybe all I need is a little sidekick training and soon, I'll be RICH... FILTHY RICH!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Do I hear balato?

Idol Forecast

Who do you think will win this year's American Idol? I have a feeling it will be a toss-up between the two Davids, Archuleta and Cook. Both contestants have shown spectacular performances throughout the season, although Archuleta forgot his lines once, and I heard his voice break twice already. The thing about this kid is that he endears women by his boyish charm and his versatile range. As for Cook, the only thing I fear about this guy is that he might do another Daughtry. It would be a surprise if Jason Castro or Brooke White made it to the top two. As for Syesha, there's something in her that makes her standout. Week after week, you could see that she's getting better and better. Hopefully she doesn't get booted out next week. Personally, I am keeping my fingers crossed for Cook, who I think is a better singer than Archuleta. I simply find Archuleta too High School Musical.

Movie hypochondriac

Admittedly, I am a movie hypochondriac. Well technically, it's not hypochondria, a condition where one gets depressed because of an imagined physical ailment. But everytime I go see a movie, I tend to overly get into the lead character I'm watching and be so immersed in it, I feel that I am actually it. Take for instance the movie I watched yesterday, The Forbidden Kingdom. Right now, I feel that one of these days, I'll suddenly be transported in a mystic ancient world where I would serve a grand purpose. And to be honest with you, right now, I feel that I know kung-fu a lot that I could do a Tiger, a Praying Mantis, a Monkey or a Crane. Talk about getting into character!

Oh, and did I tell you about the time that I saw myself so much in Aga Muhlach's character, Enteng, in Kung Ako Na Lang Sana? Still single, 30 something guy, enjoying bachelorhood, living a carefree life, with "special" college girl pals ... you know the story. It's as if the story was meant for me!

And that movie, Jumper ... after the movie, I was literally focusing on places in magazines and books, hoping that I will be transported there in a split second. Sort of like beam me up Scotty. I just hope that someday, I could actually do something straight out of the movies. Call me a dreamer, but hey, these are the things that keep me hopeful for a better life. You should try being a movie hypochondriac sometime. It's fun!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Hong Kong Happiness

Getting into character

Sabic sa Subic

Singapore Family Getaway

Becoming my parents

Oh no! It's starting to happen. Not that I am fathering a child already (who to do it with has become a perennial problem). A little while ago, I was in conversation with a new colleague (NC) and we happened to talk about a former officemate (FO) of mine who incidentally was a friend of NC's boyfriend.

Me: It's really a small world.
NC: Yeah. So you know FO?
Me: Yes, he was our medical editor before. How do you know him?
NC: He and my boyfriend met each other through cycling.
Me: Oh, yeah. FO is a cycler (gasp!).

I immediately stopped on my tracks. That just didn't feel nor sound right! Jeepers! What's happening to me? And before I could say another word to redeem myself, she uttered, "Cyclist, you mean." And then she goes on to ask, "So, what exactly do you do here?"

Need I reveal that I work as an editor? For crying out loud, what's happening to my vocabulary!?! 

Word to the uninitiated: There is such as term as cycler, although cyclist is conventionally used to refer to someone who rides a bike. This is according to a very good friend of mine, who collaborated with Merriam-Webster.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

My Lovable Lola

Great! I just got into a car accident! Thank God, nothing bad happened to me or to the car, just a slight scratch. It only left me P2,000 poorer. The poor guy had a really bad fender after the accident. Not that it was my fault... no! It was his fault entirely, not sure where to go whether straight or right. People who drive around Makati should be aware of the difficulty of driving around the city, with all the one ways and what nots. But that's another story.

My story about my lovable grandmother happened this morning. After lunch, she went to my room asking whether I would like to have dessert. I flatly said no. She then offered me some oranges, which I declined. She tried to convince me more by saying that it was as sweet as the oranges I buy from the office. I said that I was too full to eat another bite. She said that there were lots of oranges in the refrigerator, and that my aunt left a bag for us.

"She got it from SM," she said. "She got it for BUY TAKE, ONE TAKE!" Now isn't that a GREAT deal?!? She ought to be in showbusiness!