Who do you think will win this year's
American Idol? I have a feeling it will be a toss-up between the two Davids, Archuleta and Cook. Both contestants have shown spectacular performances throughout the season, although Archuleta forgot his lines once, and I heard his voice break twice already. The thing about this kid is that he endears women by his boyish charm and his versatile range. As for Cook, the only thing I fear about this guy is that he might do another Daughtry. It would be a surprise if Jason Castro or Brooke White made it to the top two. As for Syesha, there's something in her that makes her standout. Week after week, you could see that she's getting better and better. Hopefully she doesn't get booted out next week. Personally, I am keeping my fingers crossed for Cook, who I think is a better singer than Archuleta. I simply find Archuleta too High School Musical.
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