Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Body building mania

Why are so many people into body building?

Just this morning, down for our usual morning break, my friends and I were talking about building muscles and making the body bigger. We talked about exercises for the triceps, how easy it is to develop the back muscles, and how difficult it is to lose the gut.

Not that I have anything against going to the gym, because I do go to the gym (whenever I feel like it) to aid in my weight loss. And there's no offense meant here for my friends, because I know they have good enough reasons for going to the gym. I am just amazed at how thin people, or even those with well-defined bodies, still go gaga over going to the gym. Isn't having a thin frame enough?

Another one of my dreams is to be stick thin. Who cares if my muscles are not toned or well-defined. The thing is, I want to be stick thin. Even in my lightest (I had the opportunity to weigh in at 165), I wasn't stick thin.

So why are so many people into body building? Health reasons? Nah, I don't think so. Well, possibly for some. Vanity? Probably, for many. After all, it's the evil one's favorite sin [The Devil's Advocate].

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great work.