Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Rip Van Winkie

I've never felt more refreshed my entire life (or for as long as I can remember).

I went home quite early yesterday because of a very bad stomach. Immediately after arriving home, I took a trip to the throne room with much success. I logged on my computer and felt another urge. So I made a trip to Jerusalem once again, and I felt so exhausted after that.

I intended to attend class last night after my first ordeal. After the second one, however, I felt too exhausted. I sprawled on my bed, aiming to just take a nap. My stomach still felt queasy. It was still 5 in the afternoon.

Imagine my surprise when I woke up. It was already 6 in the morning! The stomach ache was gone and I felt extraordinarily refreshed. It's as if I slept for a hundred years!

Well, there goes my school attendance for the night.

1 comment:

orangekiwi said...

tsk tsk...ur not exactly a model student after all... :P